Saturday, March 22, 2014

What I should have given up for Lent - the scale

I am really enjoying SwimBikeRun mom's book about doing triathlons. I am currently reading the chapter on nutrition. And it is hitting me really hard. And I know what I have to do. I have to put away the scale. I must put away the scale. The only thing that will save me from going insane during this period of time is putting away the scale. (gulp, panic attack, lamaze breathing)
Why is it so hard for me to put that scale away? Why am I so enslaved to a number?
How enslaved am I to a number? The other night before going to bed, I weighed myself. I had just completed 2 hours of working out, which included an hour of strength training and an hour of spinning (with the satan spin instructor). I was up 3 pounds??!!? After eating a salad with chicken?!? WTH? I was defeated, pissed, mopey, etc. It was only until later that my fiance informed me that the scale was not zeroed out and that I was actually down 6 pounds and not up 3. Enter relief... then enter the realization of being at the submission of the digital God...
I must change this relationship...Me vs. the scale.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Every Woman Triathalon Rules - or for use in your daily life

Rule 1: Believe in yourself.
Rule 2: Ignore those who do not believe in you. Or better, eliminate them from your life.
Rule 3: Know when to stop.
Rule 4: Most importantly, know when to keep going.

Apply this in training or in everyday life and you will be much happier!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 1 of Tri training

So today began the trek to my first sprint triathalon...I am keeping this diary for measure my training, my emotions, how my body feels, etc. I have always wanted to do one...and decided I am not getting any younger. There is no time like the present. I have done bike/run combo trainings before. What's another leg to make it a tri?
Enter the swim...and an athlete is humbled...
Humbled by the fact that swimming tires you out in general...I mean, your whole body...
Humbled by the fact that I have never swam competitively...ever...
Humbled by the fact that after the first lap, I was tired...
Humbled by the fact that if this is the first leg of the Tri, do I have enough stamina to do a tri?
Humbled by the fact that my first swim workout was tiring and realizing I only did 312 yards and have to do that twice more to do the swim leg?
Humbled by the fact that when I left the gym I wanted to cry...
Humbled by the fact that I was feeling defeated...
And wondering what I have gotten myself into...

I came home and got a hug from my fiance who knew I was feeling lackluster to say the least. I really wanted to shed tears, but I didn't. It was my first swim, ever? Maybe the first time I have done the crawl since I was 11 or 12? So although I am feeling less than stellar, I am giving myself a break...a small one. I am very competitive and hard on myself. And the only one I am competing with right now is my mind.

The bike after was much better. But I am already used to that.

Thus ends day 1...a humbling day for sure...